Why some people just don’t seem to care?

I care. I care a lot. I care about my family, my friends, my business and my clients. I care intrinsically about my family and friends. I care about my clients because they will make or break my business. So I care.

But it seems some businesses are having trouble hiring someone like me. We met with companies who are looking to hire, who encounter the following problem. They find a great resume, call the person to chat, then set up an in-person interview or even make an offer, and the person just straight doesn’t show up. All that time and effort wasted.

This is especially prevalent in the part-time space, where we most frequently see this attitude of non-caring. Now don’t get me wrong, not everybody does that, many are very professional. But even a few seems too many. Why is it that some people just don’t seem to care?

No Consequences…

I don’t believe it’s because the person is inherently unprofessional. Rather, it is perhaps a symptom of the belief that: a) this job is not important enough for them to care; and b) even if they don’t show up, there are no consequences to bear. The hiring manager has never met the person, and probably won’t remember his or her name after a few days, and if they don’t ever apply to a job at this business again, then where’s the harm (other than wasting a lot of people’s valuable time)?

This is where WorkHoller comes in

At WorkHoller, we hold our candidates to a high standard of professionalism. We will not allow anyone to hide behind anonymity. We will help our workers find the best jobs that suit their needs, but in return, we set the bar high.

We have a rigorous vetting process, with several rounds of calls and interviews, including the requirement of a video resume. We check the references for each worker that we add to our list, and can even perform criminal checks if required (for a nominal fee). We will hold training sessions as well, in order to help workers with basic skills.

In an on-line world where anonymity is prevalent, sometimes we forget that there is a real person and a real business behind the screen when we click on “Apply”. Don’t click on it if you’re not serious about going through.

WorkHoller’s technology platform will have the ability to rate and filter candidates that have “No Shows” or “Late without Notice”. A candidate that has more than two “No Shows” will automatically be banned from our system for 6 months.

This way there’s no hiding behind the computer screen. Unprofessional behaviour will be called out and the consequence will be that the next Employer might think twice before extending an interview or an offer. There will be accountability, and at the end of the day, people will care.
